I genuinely don't get what shaming people for their behavior is supposed to accomplish. Like, at 7 months into this pandemic people know what the COVID-19 prevention behaviors are. This isn't to educate them or others. It's holier-than-thou virtue signaling bullshit.
These are conversations that public health and the public sphere have been having for DECADES across various epidemics, and the consensus time after time is that harm reduction is the answer rather than shame-based calls for perfect abstinence. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7271640/
It's not cute / radical / clever / educational to shame people for their behavior in this pandemic. It's not going to accomplish anything other than making you feel better for a moment because "At Least I'm Not Acting Like That" and maybe getting you some social media attention.
Shame is not the answer for prevention—of HIV, of STIs, of COVID-19, of substance use, of anything. We need to meet people where they're at and walk together towards a more sustainable way of moving through this world.
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