1) thread on Gaslighting from @USBPChief. So, last night I posted this: https://twitter.com/buddjenn/status/1314762523128721408
2) . @USBPChief quickly responded with a tweet from his personal account @RSScott_BP252 that I should “Stop with the lies!” I saw this flash on my phone as I have already set for his tweets. Then it quickly disappeared as he erased the tweet. He did this at least one other time
3) last night. I was not able to get a screenshot fast enough. These are the pathetic games of the Chief of the Border Patrol. Then he sent this Chief after me.
5) As usual, they are lying. I know this because they have separated children in the past. They currently are still taking children. In San Diego they use the county Child Welfare Services to take American born children from their mothers in the hospital. This way, they can claim
7) And I know who these guys are. I was one of them long ago. I know their culture. I know how they think. I know how they believe they are above the law. I know how they subvert the justice system. I know.
8) So, I was not surprised when I woke up to this: https://twitter.com/joaquincastrotx/status/1314768255911952387
9) My sources are solid. My comments are with receipts. I am not beyond making mistakes, but not with stuff like this. I always bring the receipts. So, @USBPChief we are talking about people’s lives. This is not a game, a PR stunt. I know you. I know what you’ve done.
10) And now we see that @USBPChief lied again, as did @USBPChiefDRT https://twitter.com/mollymotoole/status/1314786580792520705
11) Want to go another round boys?
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