you know this is very telling. in india you do see an overwhelming amount of the population being racist towards themselves. celebrate your culture, but don't do it if you're indian!! cause that's cringe!! what's cringe for you? hindi? do you want us to erase these parts-
from our identity because we "embarrass" you? get a fucking reality check. look inside and understand why you think these things are cringe. and if you don't want to be a part of desimy twt, please see yourself the fuck out. but which culture will you be a part of?
what culture will you celebrate and have fun with and occasionally project onto bts? cause news-flash, every culture projects themselves onto their idol, but you have a problem when desi people do it. where will go you if you leave your own people and your own language?
anglo stan twt? then leave, by all means. we don't fucking want you here if you can't even respect the part of yourself that makes you a part of us in the first place.
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