Maybe you’re sensitive because throughout childhood you were constantly looking out for and taking care of the emotional needs of your caregiver instead of getting the support you needed as their CHILD, so now you’re attuned to everyone’s emotional needs before your own
Maybe you were called sensitive by said caregiver every time that you didn’t put their needs before your own, even in small things, and now expressing your own needs can feel like pulling teeth because you never learned how to access that part of yourself in a healthy way
Maybe you’re sensitive naturally but tuning into it and your own needs feels dangerous because your entire young life was spent on eggshells just because you had the emotional processing of a child and so you numb out and care for others first to cope because not needing is safe
Maybe you were and are sensitive and that’s actually fine and you should never have been excepted to process emotions as adults do or be their caregiver and it isn’t your fault that you didn’t parent your parent, they were supposed to parent you
So many of us have a lot of childhood emotional neglect and I am here to reassure you & myself: you were a child. It was not your responsibility to parent your parent. It’s okay to have a second childhood and get to know yourself. Not every bad thing in the world is your fault.
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