I've covered hurricanes for nearly 8 years at a national level, but every single time I'm consistently amazed by what local newspapers & TV Stations are doing to cover their community with scant resources & little pay. They're an extension of the places they cover. Support them.
We (the National media) pour into these places to get the word out nationally, then leave within the week when there’s a new, big story to chase. They stay on the stuff that matters the most: when will water & power be back on? When will the town meet about rebuilding plans...etc
They’re the ones with the direct line to emergency and elected officials who they’re on a first name basis with because they’ve met & talked with them countless times before this. Their your direct line to them and an essential check on gov. It’s the free press in its purest form
So subscribe to your paper now. It’s often cheaper than Netflix. Hell, just turn your ad blocker off when you’re on their site. Look for opportunities to use them to help you. The more essential we all realize they are the more likely we are to help them stick around.
You can follow @EricZerkel.
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