I’ll note, again, the effort to conflate the entire magazine issue with its lead essay — and really, a single sentence in that essay — a transparent attempt to discredit a host of arguments and observations from historians, artists, & other journalists. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/09/opinion/nyt-1619-project-criticisms.html
I’ll also note that the objectors have arguably gone too far in the other direction, so eager to discredit the project as to ignore volumes of scholarship on the ways that the drive for racial control — by way of slavery and expropriation of native land — shaped the revolution.
It is really something to assert that 1776 demonstrates the nobility of the American founding when the Declaration explicitly charges the crown with stirring up slave revolts and preventing Americans from stealing Native land.
If the charge against “1619” is that it is a form of harmful mythmaking, then that is also true of this rendering of “1776.”
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