Founders: go direct. Use your network. Don’t engage. Don’t let the tech media paywall your great content. Don’t let them twist your words. Don’t answer their questions. Don’t waste your money on a pricey PR agency. Build your own audience, brick by brick. It’s more sustainable.
For the record, this is exactly what the jornos are doing. They write at a publication (their network), they build their own audience slowly over time. Then they leave to write a hit piece book or substack and use their audience and network to promote it.
In a couple hours, the original tweet will be intentionally or unintentionally mis-quote tweeted by the tech media press. Watch how they twist the narrative by choosing very specific words to make their point. Some will even personally attack me instead of the ideas.
It begins:
Another: the strawman is that we view the output as uncritical coverage. Wrong. Nobody said that.
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