Governor, we need to cooperate more. A better message needs to be sent. And now that a couple days has gone by since the plot to attack us both has passed, there are several points that I believe need to be made and questions that need to be asked. (1/7)
Why weren’t we warned of the plot to take hostages at the Capitol? The plot by these terrorists was against us too. Why weren’t House sergeants warned? You knew and we weren’t even given a warning. We had people working in the building and their lives matter too. (2/7)
Recently, the LG blamed the MIGOP for these evil plans. That’s inflammatory and does nothing to solve this problem. You blamed Trump. The truth is, I started getting death threats to my family at my home the day you said my legislative actions would kill people. (3/7)
Others in the legislature have been threatened too. These threats have been to both Republicans and Democrats. We were targeted in these evil plots too. That’s why to overcome this, it will take a unified message and not political talking points or partisan finger pointing. (4/7)
I’ve been critical of many of your decisions this year. I admit. It’s important we have these debates. It makes us stronger. It ensures all voices of our state are heard. But we need to do it the right way. Blanket blame is wrong. It divides and causes more partisan strife. (5/7)
Hatred and violence are wrong, and that’s why I’ve continually denounced it. And I agree, it’s time to tone the partisan rhetoric and “the heat down.” Will you do the same for President Trump? Will the LG do it to the entire GOP? We have to make this decision together. (6/7)
I am praying for the good health and constant safety of you and your family, Governor. I hope you are of mine too. And I hope you will truly and finally allow us to work together to protect lives and livelihoods of everyone who calls Michigan home. I’m ready. I hope you are too.
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