Dear racist,

Most “third world” countries had better and more advanced societies than the colonizers and the only reason they’re “third world” is because the very not smart colonizers didn’t know how to interact and destroyed those countries and stripped their resources
Some of you are racist and all of you are just dumb with zero idea of history or any understanding of how our current world was formed. I mean, I know they’re dumb, but it’s like trying to drive sense into a rock 🤦🏽‍♀️
Like some people didn’t even read my tweet! What part of “stripped their resources” don’t you get? JFC pick up a history book or something.
Also like, India is better at making every thing than the British. Despite the English like trying to ban them from making things. Lol.
Anyway she’s still racist and racists with no understanding of how the world works shouldn’t even be able to run for office and @Twitter will you suspend her account for hatred against a group of people or are you just gonna sit this one out cause she’s white
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