I know I'm shallow, but I admit my entire life and existence would be validated if someone like @TuckerCarlson or @SenTedCruz or @realDonaldTrump used and explained my hashtag to explain some ruinous Democrat policy.
Happy People Don't Vote Democrat
I get on and off this kick, and I haven't explained it in a while, so I might as well today.

I *hope* the meaning is obvious, but the train of my mind runs on different tracks than most people, so maybe not.
This is just a variation of "Of course Democrats love poor people, that's why they always try to make more of them."
It's why we call conservatives "conservative." If you have the confidence you can work to improve your situation, you want the US to retain its institutions, its system of liberty.

If you have no confidence facing the future, you want the govt to help you, you vote Democrat.
I'm not the first to observe that Democrats screw things up, and then campaign on promising to fix it.
Just look at health care promises by the Dems during the primary.
Obamacare screwed EVERYTHING up, so now they promise Medicare for All.
And they do that in everything.
Let in all sorts of illegal aliens to take low-skilled jobs, depress wages, and increase unemployment, then promise free phones and race based hiring quotas.
Democrats *entire* platform is promising that if you give them enough power, they will fix your life.

They *depend* on angry, upset, scared, resentful people to vote for them.

So most of their policies are designed to cause more people to feel that way.
"They're going to put y'all back in chains"
"They're going to push grandma off a cliff"
"They're going to take away your social security"
"If you have cancer, they're coming for you"

All designed to make you feel like you can't control your future.

So you vote Democrat.
Let's go deeper.
The backbone of the GOP is men and married women.
Single women vote Democrat in droves.

Because a man with a family, a job, and a house, is going to do best in a consistent system that stays out of his way. He doesn't need help, doesn't want help.
And his wife votes for the things that helps her family remain intact and on the right track.

This, of course, is VERY broad, and there are thousands of exceptions. Plenty of married women vote Democrat.

But it's a widespread trend. A main Dem *base* is unmarried women.
Because unmarried women want help to make their lives better.
if they have a kid, they want daycare.
Whatever they earn, they want more to make their life better.

I'm convinced we are biologically programmed to be paired in a lifelong commitment.
Unmarried women are looking for that guy, and the clock is ticking on her peak attraction.

Unmarried men are gathering resources to attract that woman, to show her how much he can give her to make her life better so she will choose him.
So unmarried women are looking for help, feel more distress and worry than unmarried men.

And this is reflected in the Dem/GOP voting patterns.
Meh, that's all more controversial than my original take.
I realize I'm on thin ice here.

I should probably delete it all, but won't, because while it is less solid, it *is* still evidence for the theory.

Let's get back to that.
And that is that Democrats *want* people to be unhappy.

If Democrats ever solve racism, how will they get black votes?
If Democrats ever solve sexism, how will they get feminist votes?
If Democrats ever solve poverty, how will they get the votes of poor people?
So they *promise*, but they can't really ever deliver.

And it works, because the system and policy they propose won't ever deliver.
So they want unhappy, worried people.

Maybe they weren't always this way, but I think that thread has been a part of the Democrat platform for decades. they stir up envy, resentment, dissatisfaction.
No matter how good things are, they tell you you *should* be better, it's someone else's fault it isn't, and if you vote for them, they will punish those people and give you stuff to make up for what you've suffered.
If you're happy, Democrats want you unhappy. If you are unhappy, they want you to stay that way.



Happy People Don't Vote Democrat

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