It's a whole lot easier to tear down someone else's work than to build your own.
Too many people are happy to show up for demolition day but won't commit to the harder work of rebuilding & restoring.
Don't misunderstand: We must identify & dismantle false paradigms. We must do the work of tearing down.
But demolition is not the end goal. It is one step in the process of building spaces of hospitality & flourishing.
You can tell a lot about a person's values & goals by how they approach the work of demolition. Are they caught in deconstruction? Or does the deconstruction have purpose beyond itself? Are they rebuilding?
Again, don't misunderstand. Dismantling false paradigms & seeking truth is an essential part of the work. But don't neglect the harder work of building sustainable, beautiful structures.
Go ahead. Tear down the rotting beams & replace the crumbling foundations. Maybe even bulldoze the whole structure. But rebuild. Build beauty, goodness, & truth into the world. Make spaces of flourishing & invite people in.
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