1. There have been many times throughout my life where I have felt scared that I would never feel better, that I would always feel so anxious. Thankfully, as I continue to be open about it, more people reach out to me to share their own stories, reminding me that I am not alone.
2. This has helped me learn from others & realize that there can be a light at the end of the tunnel. It has also inspired me to work on myself and take time for myself each day so that I can slowly take small steps forward. For me, the healing process requires a lot of patience.
3. Taking the first step can be hard, but whatever you may be going through, please know that help and resources are available. Sometimes when you open up, you realize that you’re not the only one who feels that way. You may find a friend or someone else who can relate.
4. When this happens, in my experience, it can feel so validating & like a weight lifted off my shoulders. If u tell someone & u don’t get the support u need I encourage u to tell someone else. Support is important. Don’t forget to be kind to urself & give urself the support too.
5. It’s #WorldMentalHealthDay and I hope we can work together to fight against social stigma and normalize conversations about mental health. Nobody’s life is perfect. So many people are fighting a battle we may never know about.
6. If you or someone you know could use a little extra support right now, @sanvellohealth is offering a free, two-week trial of Sanvello Coaching which offers full access to self-care tools and pairs you with a trained mental health coach.
7. I hope you take some time for yourself today. Remember that you matter. It is ok to feel however you feel. I encourage you to check in with yourself today.

Comment below how you are taking time for yourself today on #worldmentalhealthday #mysanvellostory
You can follow @Aly_Raisman.
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