1) https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/10/cnn_insists_we_are_emneverem_going_back_to_normal.html

CNN "We're never going back to normal." Well, no, of course not.

NO "news" orgs are. Once they "lost their virginity" by going full Hoax News on "muh Russia," it was forever over for all of them as real "news" organizations.
2) Once that trust was broken, it was not a case of a staged exploding truck as one of the networks did; or even @DanRather flat out using fabricated documents on a major story about W.

3) This time it was a constant, full buy-in to the Russia Hoax for four years and counting.
4) It's like when MTV quit playing music videos and began 24/7 reality shows. The product was gone.

5) The real question remains, why?

6) There are a few theories for the "news" media's complete collapse.
7) One usually begins with some of you asking, "Don't they realize they are losing viewers?"

Of course they do. It doesn't matter.

But, you say, "How can they survive if viewers/readers aren't paying the bills?"
8) This is where I've tried to educate over the years.

They do not NEED viewers or readers. In the 1830s, according to two different historians of news at the time, 85% of the newspapers were "Partisan," meaning they didn't report news. They reported ONLY party propaganda.
9) "Well, Schweikart, how did they stay in business?"

Easy. Their business wasn't news. It was party propaganda and their readers weren't customers. They were OBJECTS of propaganda. Their customers were the political parties, especially for the first 10 years, the DemoKKKrats.
10) Same today. NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NYTimes, WaCompost---their customers are NOT their viewers or readers.

Their customer is the DemoKKKrat Party and they are paid via subsidies of various sorts through the liberal megacompanies that own them.
11) Remember, the marketing departments run the big companies now, NOT the CEOs (who only think they run them). Marketing snowflakes and Karens jiggle the marketing surveys the same way the Hoax Pollsters manipulate the polling.

This is why they ALL jumped on the BLM bandwagon.
12) While most CEOs are probably generically liberal, they were given a hard shove leftward by the Karen Marketers. That's why literally ALL of them complied with the mask mandates.

"I won't shop where they require masks." Good luck in AZ. It's a county law . . .
12) contd . . . BUT the only way ANY of the mask mandates stood was with the full complicity of the big companies (Wal-Mart, Target, Panera, Fry's, Kroger's, Penny's, Macy's etc). If MOST of those companies had strongly resisted, paid fines, etc., there would be no mask mandate.
13) Yes, I realize they also would have had to fight it on the lawsuit side. But the point is, they didn't WANT to fight it because they are simpatico with the liberal agenda.

Hence transgender bathrooms in Target, NFL kneelers, etc.
14) So back to the news: the companies that advertise on these shows or in these "News"papers are being driven by the Snowflake Karens and are told that even with falling readership/viewership this is the "hip" place to be to get market share.
15) They are also reminded they are on the "right" side of history, social justice, blah, blah.

16) So outfits like GE pour billions into advertising over the years on platforms that are stone cold losers. Cuz they think even if they lose today they will change tomorrow.
17) Thus, once Donald Trump came along, it merely accelerated a trend they had already been on for years.

18) No, none of the "news" (including I'm afraid to tell you, Faux) will ever go back. Faux will get worse. Hannity, the Tuckster, Laura may stick for a while, but they . .
18) contd . . . will eventually be forced out on some sexual harassment charges. (It's never ideology. Nooooo.)

19) Don't ever think that these companies are affected by falling ratings, viewership, or readership.

Their "market" is the Snowflake CEOs and Marketing Karens.
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