Let's do some Mathematics today!!!👀

I have one interesting question for you all😉

Prerequisite - You need to know what factorial of a number is.
Factorial of integer is multiplication of all integers smaller than or equal to n. For example 5! is 5*4*3*2*1 which is 120

Now that you know what factorial is let's find the value of

2! = 2x1=2
3! = 3x2x1 =6 & so on...

So my question what is 0!

If you google it you will find the value of 0!=1. But how??

By definition we only multiply the numbers from n to 1 but in this case 0<1. So what do we even do for zero?🤔

To find this, Let's turn the things upside down i.e go from big numbers to smaller ones & see the pattern

Let's see 4! first

3!=6, 2!=2, 1!=1

Try to analyze the pattern here...
3!=4!/4 similarly 2!=3!/3 & so on

To generalize this => (n-1)!=n!/n

Now let's go back to our question i.e value of 0!

we know 1!=1 & by our generalized rule what is the value of 0!

(1-1)! = 0! = 1!/1 which comes out to be "1"🤯

We sometimes just accept things the way they are without even thinking why is it so. This was the case with me as well when i was learning factorials in school until i saw @misterwootube's explaination for this.

Hope you all enjoyed it😊
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