I continue ponder the effects of pathological narcissism on our social movements and progressive political spaces. There's a growing body of research on narcissism's impact on interpersonal relationships, but let's take it a step further. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/communication-success/201903/7-ways-narcissists-manipulate-relationships
Here's a HUGE problem for the Left: The "know-it-all". This phenomenon ties in with the misogyny, racism, and elitism that is holding us back. The white male Leftist stereotype dominating every discussion.
And the JUDGEMENTALISM. We are not going to win people to a multi-racial working class movement through shaming, criticizing, and controlling others.
We HAVE to talk about the people drawn to politics because it is a place to get attention, validation, and makes them feel important. These people are not about the movement, they are about themselves. It harms us.
Exploiting people, organizations, other people's organizing work is also a real threat to the Left. My story of narcissistic abuse centers on being targeted, manipulated, & exploited in order to meet the narcissist's needs. We cannot build a more just world through manipulation.
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