2. So did President Lee, McKay, Benson and every Prophet, book and manual the Church ever printed - when the Church still taught the Sacred importance of this Republic. It is shameful that this ‘war’ on @SenMikeLee is allowed to continue especially ... con’t
3. ... when Senators like Harry Reid who stood with and for those who would kill infants AFTER BIRTH, let alone before are to this day - held up as a paragon of virtue ‘in good standing’. I am not his or anyone else’s judge, but it is our individual responsibility ...
4. ... TO KNOW THE TRUTH AND DEFEND THE TRUTH. @SenMikeLee is being attacked by those who should be exposed until they ‘flee back into the mountains’. Those who wish to pervert and destroy our freedoms have either made a home at @DeseretNews or the editors have ...
5. ...sadly, fallen asleep and have lost their direction and charge as the second to last line of defense for our REPUBLIC. I expect this from the @nytimes and @sltrib - but not from those who have such a well defined and SPONSORED place atop ‘our gates’. Con’t
6. I too, love and deeply respect our Church leaders. The restored Gospel is TRUE. I do not question It or what they do, as their calling is vastly different than mine. But MY calling REQUIRES me, as it does @SenMikeLee , to defend the Republic - so all people of faith ...
7. ... including those of no faith and those who disagree with me, always have a chance to be heard and never shouted down by a mob drunk with the power of the cancel culture. That REQUIRES a Republic - not the mob of ‘majority rules.’ Words have meaning and power. Perhaps ..
8. It is time that you exercise - not just your right, but your God given responsibility, to stand for the truth and send a clear message to the editors of the @DeseretNews news that we know the ‘patterns of those who wish to destroy and ...
9. .. steal our freedoms, and we will rent our own coats, if need be, and hoist the title of liberty hIgh to defend our religion, freedom, peace and families. If not us - who? The BOM is true and it’s teachings, warnings and requirements for each of us are true and right ...
10. ... and so is @SenMikeLee . I stand with our leadership and our beloved Prophet. I am also compelled to stand against this evil effort to destroy the right and righteous efforts of a man dedicated and called to defend the republic. He does NOT stand alone. I STAND W/HIM
11. The people CANNOT rule themselves unless they are taught True Principles. I fear the @DeseretNews knows this too.
End @SenMikeLee
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