This thread says all of this perfectly, but it leads me to a slight left turn which ends up with the "economic anxiety of the disenfranchised white blue-collar worker"...
I am a theater practitioner. I became one by touring the US and the world as a barely-above-average musical-theater actor, and then moved into writing and producing.

My theater company has produced plays that have meant a lot to the people who've seen them.
But every single person I know - from Broadway on down - picks up other work while they're not doing their work. Yes, sure, some of us are bartending and waiting tables but even the massively successful are teaching/coaching/writing books/whatever...
We make theater in the corners - from 6pm to 11pm. That's when we write/design/rehearse/run lines, in those hours spent away from the jobs we take to sustain us.

Bear with me, please...
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