One of the things we didn't get a chance to talk about on #pipelinewritersuk was how to know when it's the right time to write YOUR story (ie that huge thing that happened to you IRL) into a script? I'd love to know what #pipelinewriters (or any scriptwriters) think about this 1/
There's no right answer, but one thing for me at least was to WAIT until my writing had progressed to where I could begin to do it justice. This @filmcourage video with @jengrisanti (who is AMAZING) is so, so helpful. #PreWGA @ScriptPipeline 2/
Another thing to remember is whether the screenplay is the medium that will do your story the most justice. Is it better served as a film, or a tv series? Or a novel? Or a series of graphic novels? Or stories on Audible? 3/
No matter which way you go, it's so important to believe in yourself and your unique voice. You've been given a specific life story that is meant to reach an audience who has undergone something similar, but thought they were the only one. Your personal story is a language 4/
that some people will understand immediately. Your story is something that some people will feel they could step into at any time. Your words have the power to move mountains, to crack closed hearts wide open, to reassure the loneliest that someone understands. 5/
And for you as the storyteller, telling your story can be an incredibly therapeutic and empowering move. Yes, it might be difficult, and perhaps there are some stories that we'll never be ready to tell others. But to be able to control the narrative, and define the MEANING 6/
of what that story is can be cathartic. Just remember to look after your mental health, and if you're not ready yet (or ever) to write it, put it down. You are under no obligation to share your story if it means incredible pain for you with little gain. 7/
The point is, I would really love to hear from other writers - when did you know it was time to write THAT script? Or conversely, what do you have to do before you are really ready to write that story and do it justice? END THREAD #pipelinewriters #pipelinewritersuk #PreWGA
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