Spain is in crisis. The 2nd Deputy Prime Minister of Spain Pablo Iglesias not only celebrates Che Guevara, who not only helped found a 61 year old dictatorship in Cuba, but whose threats of bloody murder gave rise to a generation of right wing military juntas in Latin America. 1/
Mr. Iglesias claims that Che "was murdered." Ernesto "Che" Guevara was captured and killed On October 8, 1967 after attempting to violently over throw the government of Bolivia with an armed insurrection. 2/
Yet, the man Mr. Iglesias honors said: “To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary … These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution!” - Ernesto "Che" Guevara (1959) 3/
Would Mr. Iglesias consider the men put to death by Ernesto "Che" Guevara were murdered? How about those who were executed for their belonging to a social class or holding opinions different than the Argentine Maoist who had taken up arms, like he did? 4/
Have to agree with @monasterioR that the Vice President of the Spanish government is defending a murderer. 5/
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, in a letter to his father after executing an unarmed man: "I'd like to confess, at that moment I discovered that I really like killing." Mr. Iglesias is declaring as an exemplar a murderer who enjoyed killing. 6/
Despite facts presented Iglesias doubles down with slanders against @monasterioR that are propaganda lies of the Castro regime with claims that workers were "savagely repressed." Ignoring that prior to 1959 indep unions were powerful in Cuba & workers had decent healthcare. 7/
Pablo Iglesias seems to forget that Batista was a left wing dictator with communists in his cabinet. One of them, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, ended up with Fidel Castro. 8/
The success of labor unions in obtaining better conditions for their workers could be seen in their health indicators that saw greater improvement under the Republic than under Castro. 9/
Nor does Mr. Iglesias have a problem with both Fidel Castro's & Che Guevara's good relations with Francisco Franco. Or that Guevara attended a bull fight in Madrid with Franco's secret police. 10/
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