This time last year I was heading into a massive shift in my life. I was helping to care for my sister at home who had terminal cancer and supporting my ex who was navigating his way around just finding out he had ASD. Instead of pacing myself and realising this
was probably a bit too much I tried to distract myself by doing more work and putting everyone’s needs and feelings before my own. My beautiful sister passed away in November and the relationship ended. 2 weeks later I became incredibly physically ill (I won’t go into
details but it wasn’t pretty). I was so shocked after being rushed to the hospital and being tested for everything that all of these symptoms were being caused by Anxiety & Grief and I was immediately put on medication. Why am I telling you this?
It’s #worldmentalhealthday2020 and I want you to know that mental health is not an excuse, it’s a very real problem and although people may not be showing physical symptoms, they can arise and by that point it’s a tad too late to start meditating. Don’t get caught up in this race
that modern life has become. Our brains were clearly not built for it. You do you and find what pace makes you happy. If anyone is ever struggling I am here to listen ❀. Btw having a mental breakdown and missing your 29th birthday, Christmas and NYE should be illegal 😅
List of daily things that help me:
Taking my medication
Anything Disney
Reading a really good book
Keeping a journal
Eating lots of fruit and veggies
Drinking water
Cutting out caffeine
Petting a dog
Camomile Tea
A cosy hot bean bag
You can follow @roanna_lewis.
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