Seen the trailer for The Watch

First thoughts; Vimes (or, the character that is using his name) is wearing eyeliner

Sam Vimes



To be clear; it's fine for men to wear eyeliner. It often looks brilliant.

But this is Sam Vimes. A man who regularly ripped the sleeves off dress uniforms. A man who loathed any sort of elaborate plumage on his person and would destroy it at any given opportunity

Sam Vimes, who, it was established over multiple books, was only ever happy in his watch uniform, objecting even to pantaloons as pompous garb for the rich folk

Vimes, who preferred watch uniform armour to be dented, because 'it showed someone had been denting it'

Vimes, who literally preferred cheap shoes because he could feel the street through his feet and tell where he was

Vimes, who used to wear clothes (Shirts you could see through!) from the shonky shop, and was quietly proud of this fact

Vimes who hated wearing anything with ornamentation, he "hated being thought of as one of those people that wore stupid ornamental armour. It was gilt by association." [Actual quote]

Vimes who, admittedly, does occasionally wear a sprig of lilac once a year, but only to commemorate the time he did that to tell his allies from enemies in a revolution-inspired class-based battle to the death

My point is, while it's never specifically stated outright in the books, Sam Vimes would never be caught dead wearing eyeliner. It goes against every trait of the character that we know.

And that is literally the first thing in the first frame of The Watch trailer

And I know some will say 'It's an interpretation of the character! There's scope to do something different!'

My response to that is; bollocks. You don't just create a whole new character, give the same name as a beloved one and hope none of the long-term fans notice or mind

"It's a different world!" Then it's the wrong world

Again, if you want to create a whole new thing, then great. More power to you. But either commit or don't do it. Don't bastardise a beloved property as a cover for your own grand schemes.

In summary, I don't know who this guy is in The Watch who's borrowed his name, but I feel the actual Sam Vimes would have to be restrained from kicking the shit out of him on principle

Again, this is my reaction after seeing a single frame of footage. Doesn't bode well

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