Hyori and JongMin were talking about plane rides and being afraid of death.

Hyori said she was never scared of dying until she got married. That’s when she started worrying about leaving her husband behind. #환불원정대_돈터치미_데뷔축하해
Hyori: what if someone calls you babo (a fool) what would you say?

Jong Min: “ah yup 😃

The way Jong Min thinks is ridiculously positive.

: if a PD tells u to do something you don’t want to do?

JM: I would think “how can I live doing only things I want to do”

Uhm Junghwa talking about her surgery

“ I thought it was the end”
“ It was really difficult”
“ I wanted to sing so bad but I couldn’t”

“I was abit shy/unconfident with my voice”

Uhm Junghwa kept thinking negatively about her vocal skills, thinking that she couldn’t hit the notes so she got emotional and cried when she could hit the notes.

All she needed was some confidence. <3
The last line wasn’t originally Uhm Junghwa’s. Yoo Jae Suk requested for it to be.

Everyone knows how special this project is and how much it means to Uhm Junghwa so her ending the song makes sense ❤️ #환불원정대_돈터치미_데뷔축하해
Everyone is giving Junghwa’s a lot of reassurance but she puts so much pressure on herself.

Jimi Yoo called his university hoobae who was the vocal coach to help her again. 🥺💔

Jimi Yoo eating walnuts in the middle of recording

Junghwa: Are a squirrel?


Silbi’s recording time!!!!
They said she’ll be done in 20 minutes HAHHAHAHAHA

Hwasa: *sings*

As expected from our queen 👑

She’s doing it herself because the guys are eating lunch HAHAHHAHAHAH

RADO’s comments on Hwasa’s singing

“It’s the first time I’ve heard someone sing this good”

“she’s doing everything I want by herself”

Jessi babies Jimi Yoo so much it’s so cute HAHAHHAHA
I can’t wrap my head around how fire this rap is. UGH ITS SO GOOD
Them rushing Jessi out of the recording studio after they got her to say “Hey, Come On” HAHAHAHAHHAHA

-end of thread!-
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