It somehow irks me a bit to read a certain type of comments in one of those "I made [popular game title] game in [insert short time duration here]". I mean comments that basically says "oh my god you're so talented, your game is so much better than theirs. why didn't they.. (1/?)
...make the game like yours from the start? this is genius! the original game suck compared to this" kind of comment.

I know this type of comment doesn't harbour any ill intention most of the time but I still feel like it came from ignorance. I mean... (2/?)
I'm not downplaying the video creator's skill, they're great but you have to understand that, of course, their game seems great, somebody else (the original game creator) has already done their work on designing the game for who knows how long, perfecting their game. Sure, (3/?)
the game that the video creator did is already good (in terms of game design) but that's because again, somebody has perfected it. most of these type of video only showcased how it's being programmed, not the game design itself soooo
yeaaa this thread is basically a "well acktually" tweet lol
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