Shin PD inserts an interesting scene between Ikjun and Songhwa that different from the other 3 boys
It shows how she treats Ikjun different from other
She couldn't bear to hear it when Junhwan made a bad way to talk about Ikjun
She defensed him and she corrected immediately
She​ really sending​ peak wife behavior since then
Of course, Songhwa knew the reason Ikjun's​ hand hurt
She​ immediately answered to Junhwan's questions, even though Junhwan asked Ikjun
Songhwa knows Ikjun well both personally and professionally
She knew that Ikjun had a lot of surgery
She also told Seokmin​ about IkJun's past surgery
She​ told IkJun's story as if it were her own
Songhwa knows Ikjun likes gimbap
So she ordered gimbap for him
Songhwa knew that Ikjun came to work in the morning on a bike
She thought he might be hot so she ordered ice coffee
Or he might want hot coffee
It was evident that she hadn't drank yet, she waited for him to choose first
Songhwa knows that Ikjun has a mischievous character
He might catch a hot kettle
But Ikjun probably didn't notice that Songhwa was drinking coffee
Even though she was going out
But she was worried about him
She was 30 minutes late to
the wedding, she doesn't care if she's late
Because she wound him
Looking at the wound,
I thought she was more likely to tease him
Songhwa immediately knew what Ikjun wanted even though he didn't say anything
Many times, Songhwa asked about SeokHyung's mother and she asked Junhwan's sister but no one asked about her family
Songhwa never talked her family to anyone
She only said that to Ikjun
When Seokmin asked Songhwa about a selfish or materialistic wish
She​ answered him "no"
But​ with Ikjun Songhwa​said she dared to tell him that she bought the item she wanted
Songhwa always asked about Uju and she is only one talking about Uju
Songhwa wanted Ikjun to sleep because she knew that Ikjun was tried working and talking care of Uju
She ​very worried about him
I believe Songhwa's question to Ikjun came from her heart
Just try to figure out who we have questions like this
If not the person we love and care about
Until the brain and the heart are the same
Until IkSong Endgame
See​ you again in Sokcho
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