I dont think this is the right time to create another hastag for #EndBanditry doing that shows how divided we are. And If truly we want to have a better nation where peace and justice shall rain then we need a united nation.
It is true that the north are suffering from boko haram, banditry and kidnapping for years now but we never call on the government nor did we ever organise a massive protest all this while. Our brothers from the south, west have gone far in their struggle to #EndSARS
I think joining hands together with them will help us more in this fight Than fighting sepretely. Lets join them in #EndSARS when the sars issue is over then we start the #EndNorthernBanditry together.
If we the north are yarning for #EndNorthernBanditry while them in the east, south and west are yarning for #EndSARS the pressure will not be much on the government at a long run we will start insulting ourselves and that is what the govt wants.
Making us to loose both fights.
My take pls
Think about it guys
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