🦊: we chose the name engene because it has such a beautiful meaning behind it and it seems like a lot of you likes it too so we’re glad~
🐈: oh yeah and apparently the original singers of the song heeseung hyung covered noticed his cover and liked it !
one of 🦊’s likes are receiving love !
🦊: what are 2 of my nicknames?
🐈: i know the exact answer so i’ll give the chance to ni-ki~
🐆: firstly ddeonu...
🦊: okay hint it’s the animal we use to describe the members
🐈: yeah! like i’m cat and you’re puma
🐆: penguin? cat? dog?
🦊: 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
ni-ki’s dislikes: waking up, getting out of bed, wake up (but in english)
🦊: isn’t that all the same thing...?
🐆: my last dislike is something that heeseung hyung likes
🐈: BUGS! heeseung hyung likes bugs
🦊: the fans might mist understand!! he doesnt like bugs he just likes catching them
guessing 🐈’s nickname
🐆: nyang
🐈: close
🦊: nyang
🐆: i said nyang
🦊: you said yang
🐆: no nyang nyang
🦊: nyang?
🐈: nyang?
🐆: nyang
🐈: what’s my life motto?
🐆: you don’t have one
🐈: correct
🦊: 😦.... i see...
🐈: it’s not that i live with no thought but my life motto is always changing and at the time we wrote the profiles i didn’t have a specific life motto
👤: please give us a spoiler
🐈🦊: ................hehe ^__^
🦊: i saw someone ask for a selca of us three so we’ll upload one as soon as this vlive ends !!
some other candidates for fandom names were ENZ (?), ENLY, ENERGY, etc. YELLS INTO THE VOID
🐈: do you wanna pose with our hoodies on and ears out ?
🐆: wait... but i cant... do it... (because he’s wearing a beanie to cover his hair)
🐈: ....😮 right .
🦊: 😀😀😅
🐈: i’m guessing... you’ve all caught on by now right ^__^
i think 🦊 was talking about how he watched all the i-land eps and he felt quite sad and 🐈 replied by saying that the present time is what matters and they’re all happy with where they are now ‼️‼️
🐆 copied 🦊’s acrostic poem but just in japanese HELP
they asked us what fruits resemble them and i think its a spoiler
🐈: guys why do you think we asked you? 😼😼 you’ll find out soon~
🐆: *turns around in shame*
🦊: pretend u heard nothing~~ you didn’t hear anything from us~~~ ^__^ oh my god guys we’ve said too much today 😰
🐈: although we’re a team, it hasn’t been a long time since we’ve become one so i think this was a great way to get to know each other more !
🐈: likes to listen to skz sunbaenim’s god’s menu! he even sings it in the shower
🐆: 😟
🐈: i heard it all
🦊: it’s a shame to end it already but-
🐆: END ^__^
end of thread ~(*´∀`)♪
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