If this doesn't worry you, I'm not sure what will 😬

According to the official stats, Yorkshire (and the NE - not too sure why we're lumped together...) is second to the North West in hospital cases 😔

If we're not on the way to another national lockdown, a local one is coming. https://twitter.com/FT/status/1314822769209729026
I feel like I disagree with the comments made to the media that the reason London's rate is so low is because of 1) "herd immunity" or 2) people adhering to the rule of 6.

Lots of folk in the north don't work in service jobs, so can't work from home! https://twitter.com/imperialcollege/status/1314550377908502530
Where are all the factories that experienced high rates of Covid-19 infections earlier in the year?

They aren't in London. They're in the Midlands, in Yorkshire, in the north.

There's a reason why the rate is so high up here. That's one of them!
This thread is 👏👏👏

Pretty sure everything said here applies to absolutely everywhere in the north and the Midlands.

Our government has screwed us over, and we're rapidly getting pissed off with it (more than we were before) 😡 https://twitter.com/JenWilliamsMEN/status/1314826391561670656
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