Gemelli a Thread:

There I was indulging on Gemelli's signature chicken and pasta, quenching my oesophagus with the finest freshly squeezed orange juice money can buy. It was a peaceful and soothing atmosphere with background music of Beethoven serenading us tax paying diners.
2. Suddenly the music stopped! Abruptly I might say! The atmosphere changed; a tavern like storm started to brew... Suddenly a thunderous "HAI NXA!" bellowed and echoed through the restaurant, dampening all tranquillity.
3. The ebonic dialect coupled with the classic "MXM" and "Do you know who I am" left tax paying patrons flabbergasted. Some gqom listening, Blacklabel nguthu drinking patron started screaming "habashwe", colloquial language predominantly used by non-taxpayers when intoxicated.
4. I immediately started booking my one way ticket to Australia! Then it dawned on me, I can't keep flying away from my problems. So I got up and asked to speak to the manager, who addressed my concerns by calming escorting the gqom listening patron off the property.
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