πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ;; bisexuality, pansexuality, polysexuality and omnisexuality,, a thread.
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ;; d i s c l a i m e r.

this thread has the single purpose to spread awareness. its often mistaken that poly, pan and omni people invisibilize bisexuals. i came here to prove otherwise, since these terms' only will is to make their users tag themselves in a way that suits+
+them. bisexuals are and always will be valid, but so are polysexuals, pansexuals and omnisexuals. hope yall get to understand it.
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ;; PART 1: What does bisexual, omnisexual, polysexual and pansexual mean?

Good question, and so it is a good point to start at.
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ;; - bisexuality.

The term β€œbisexual” is used to describe a person who experiences emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to, or engages in romantic or sexual relationships with, more than one sex or gender.

this means that bisexual people are not homosexual, heterosexual or 'something in between' like people often mistakes it. bisexuality has its own term and meaning, and we gotta respect it.

they tend to like more than one sex/gender, but not all of them sometimes.
bisexuals can also have preferences, and that's valid too. you're not less bisexual for having a preference for the opposite gender. you're and will always be valid πŸ’•.
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ;; - pansexuality.

Pansexual people are people attracted to people regardless of their gender. The word pansexual comes from the Greek word 'pan-', meaning "all".

+this means that pan people don't think about people's gender at the moment of choosing (a) partner(s).

this does not mean that bisexuals only care about sex and gender, that only pans see true people or shit like that. it means that pansexual people's priority isn't sex/gender
notes: jokes like 'pansexual people are attracted to pans' are extremely panphobic and offensive. if you often make jokes as this ones, keep in mind YOU REALLY ARE stigmatizing and invisibilizing them too.
the difference between pansexuality and bisexuality is that bisexuals DO see gender/sex as a matter in their preferences. bisexuals can have preferences due to that, but pansexuals cannot.
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ;; - polysexuality.

Polysexuality has been defined as "encompassing or characterized by many different kinds of sexuality", and as sexual attraction to many, but not all, genders.

polysexuality is accepted as attraction to many (or most) genders. bisexuality can be a more specific form of polysexuality, but there's a slight difference and it has to be respected.
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ;; - omnisexuality.

(mine yikes c:)

An omnisexual person does identify themselves and other's as a gender, rather than being gender-blind like a pansexual person would. Omnisexual people have an attraction to all gender's, but tend to like one gender more than the rest.
-Urban dictionary.

this means that; unlike pan, poly and bi people; omnisexuals do like all genders. they can have a preference, and often do so.
it is often mistaken with pansexuality, but the difference is almost the same than with bisexuals. omnisexuals do see gender and/or sex, and are attracted to all of them.
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ;; PART 2: Metaphor.

you did not understand yet? don't worry, it can be a little complicated. i had struggles too, but i hope this metaphore can help you too.
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ;; d i s c l a i m e r 2.

people are not food and/or tastes, this is just a little modism to help people understand. do not mistake it please.
πŸ’•;; Shep.

Shep wants to eat something rn.

-Bi: Shep likes both sweet and salty food. They do have a slight preference for sweet food, though.

-Poly: Shep likes most tastes, but they're not a big sour fan. Still, they do have a preference for salty food.
-Pan: Shep doesn't give a shit about tastes. Shep just likes food in general.

-Omni: Shep likes every single taste. They do like sour food a little more than the others.
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ;; PART 3: facts.

well buddy, if you didn't get it by now, you may have to do an extra research. if yes, congrats! still, here are a couple of facts and/or myths that need to be clear. give em a read!
πŸ’•- Bisexuals can be attracted to more than 2 genders. It ain't reduced to just 'male' and 'female.

πŸ’•- Pansexuals aren't the only ones who 'see people behind their genders'. So do the other 3, but pans just don't prioritize or see gender/sex at all.
πŸ’•- Omnisexuals aren't thirsty. And yeah, i've been called thirsty.

πŸ’•- Being partners with the opposite gender doesn't mean you're 'straight now'.

πŸ’•- Choosing a partner doesn't mean you 'made up your mind'. No, you can still be bi/pan/omni/poly.
πŸ’•- You are and will always be valid. It doesn't matter which tag you're more comfortable with. It has to be respected, no matter what.
πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ;; THAT'S ALL.

i hope you all got it.

keep in mind, my account is a safe space for LGBTQ+ people. my DMs are always open to talk and if you need a hand.

pretty please, don't hesitate to tell me if i said something hurtful. i will immediately take it back. ily all /p πŸ’•.
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