The ROC was a corrupt, rapacious state for the 38 years it ruled China. It was a murderous, exploitative state for the first 43 years of its rule in Taiwan.

The ROC is a democracy today because Taiwanese fought to make it so, against all odds. Long live the people of Taiwan 🌝
What will eventually happen to the ROC - that ignominious state which murdered Taiwanese with impunity for decades? A quiet death, I hope - more mercy than it ever showed Taiwan. Leaving behind a free people who see their destiny tied up with *this* beautiful land #DoubleTenDay
The ROC was a colonial state imposed on Taiwan. Recognizing this doesn't erase the crimes of previous colonial regimes (or those of early Han settlers against indigenous Taiwanese). Empire is not a balance sheet of "good vs bad" but a fundamentally illegitimate form of governance
To ROC & "greater China" supporters in this thread: 10/10 is your day 🌝 If you would like to thank the KMT for "saving" Taiwan please don't let my Tweets dissuade you. Today, as all days, I will celebrate how people from all backgrounds in Taiwan saved themselves from repression
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