i am genuinely convinced that none of you actually care about seeing people change or make up.

you care more wiping them off the map even after they try atone for who they were even if they realize they were wrong.

all because it gives you a sense of righteousness.
some of these people are kids. still in school.

you're all so *eager* to snap someone out of existence even at the time they're most susceptible to making mistakes because it makes you feel good.

it doesn't matter how much time passes because people never change to you.
im not excusing the actions, far from it. what really *pisses me off* is that the concept of growth and change is so foreign to you that when confronted with it your immediate response is to find more reasons to be angry.

how fucking old are you.
i've noticed that the group that does this shit the MOST is the "uwu aaaaaaaa i love you bestie" crowd

but as SOON as they do some shit wrong you aren't willing to see them get better, you want them out of here. what the hell is wrong with you?
i take back what i said about dragon ball fans. it isn't just them, this entire site is chock full of the most self righteous, holier than thou nut tissues i've ever seen.

people don't even have to commit crimes at this point, all you have to do is hurt someone's feelings
and before you think this is just about tonight, no, no it isn't. this shit has been happening for a long, long time and i'm genuinely sick of it
let me reiterate because i know some of you can't read

i'm not saying you shouldn't call people out

i'm not saying people can't be bad

i'm saying that i NEVER see anybody try to at least understand people can change and show genuine remorse but instead chase them off the net.
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