Not only is living with a chronic illness or disability rough.After years of battling for equality & still facing discrimination regularly, those of us in the #shielding group now face further discrimination during a pandemic. Many assume we don't work. Let me tell you: many of
us fight everyday to appear 'able'. We try harder at work,we battle pain, we grieve for our health. Many of us have life limiting disease. We fight to keep depression at bay, we fight to prove our worth. Yet during a pandemic,we are gradually being scapegoated as the responsibile
group for the loss of other's liberties. We didn't ask for these illnesses &/or disabilities.We're not at fault for the shambolic mismanagement of the Gov't. I'm noticing more & more that empathy & compassion are becoming more rare-even becoming targets for other's frustration.
We don't want much. We sacrificed a lot already to protect the NHS from becoming overwhelmed. We ask for ppl who *can* to wear a mask,we ask for space (not easy with so many covid deniers).
Many shielding ppl are taking their chances for the sake of their mental health.
Many of us are terrified & just want a chance for the numbers to come down before we gradually return to society & hopefully get a few more quality months or years with our loved ones. It's not as simple as *choosing* to shield. #ECV ppl are doctors, nurses, teachers,
cleaning staff, lorry drivers. Without the Govt's permission or advice to shield, our employers can sack us for being too scared to go back. We don't want to be 'carried' by others. Our choices are limited. I have compassion & sympathy for all who have lost their jobs,
For students whose fresher year is just awful. For cancelled operations. For those who have not had their chemotherapy or have not had cancer & other health screening. The loneliness of the elderly. The pain of the families who can't see their loved ones.
The vulnerable are not your enemy.
The virus is. The mismanagement of the virus is. #ShieldingSavesLives is not a beg for freebies & pity. It's a request to allow those of us who feel safer #shielding to have Govt backing. Nobody will be forced. If you're extremely clinically
vulnerable & choose not to shield, that's fine. But please support those of us who do need to. #ShieldingSavesLives #DisabilityRights #chronicillness #ChronicPain #disabilityawareness #ECVAwareness
You can follow @MissT_Shielding.
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