A fun conversation with techies is: most people don't care about really fast WiFi. They just don't. The people who follow me probably do, but most people don't. They just want it to work, reliably. That's true of most technology - optimal is VERY secondary to it working reliably.
Yes, this is coming from a person about to install more 10Gb pathways in the house. I care about because *it's fun*, and sometimes useful for what I do. But it's not *needed* - it's fun and I enjoy it, and that's a fine reason. Most people just care if Netflix doesn't buffer.
I am currently doing network upgrades because...well, it's mostly something I can control and improve. And in 2020, things matching that description are in short supply. I need things to feel like accomplishments and occupy my mind to keep me sane - this is one of those things.
When family, friends, etc. ask you for advice on tech and trust you on what they need to spend, often what they're asking is "what do I need to buy...to not be frustrated or have to think about it?" They just want to spend less of their time frustrated.

This is the average user.
Note that I'm not mocking "the average user" here. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If they want to future-proof, etc. - yeah sure.

But they don't need more than they get more benefit or enjoyment from. Put your resources into things that improve your quality of life.
Me? I'm going to make the house faster, and switch to symmetrical gig fiber, and wire the garage, etc. And then everything will be great on the network. And that's fun, so I'll spend some resources on it.

...then I'll needlessly make WiFi out in our woods fast as I can. Because.
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