The premiums under Biden’s plan are capped at 8.5% of income and the deductible average should be around ~$1500. Most Americans will see their healthcare costs drop dramatically. After maxing your deductible, the typical person making 50K should pay about 11.5% of their income.
And that’s only after subsidy and Medicaid eligibility run out - both of which he’s going to expand. For those making at or near minimum wage, premiums will be pretty much free. Subsidies will keep costs low for those making 140-400% of the poverty line.
These changes are going particularly pronounced for rural and older people who pay the highest premiums. Altogether, the plan should add 20 million more people onto insurance.
Anyway, the 3% aren’t likely to be people too poor to afford the plan. Those people are mostly covered under existing programs and subsidies. They’re mostly people who choose to opt out or never sign up. A certain percentage of people will do that.
This isn’t the plan I’d design from scratch in a perfect world (that’d be something approximating a better funded version of the UK’s NHS) but it’s good policy and 20 million people will likely get insurance if it passes. Don’t write that off.
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