I think I'm a conservative, and this doesn't make me hesitate even a second about voting for Biden. Two reasons. First, I don't think court packing will happen. It won't pass even a Democratic Senate, Too many red-state Democrats won't go for it. And ... https://twitter.com/baseballcrank/status/1314707101059633155
I don't think Biden, or even Harris if she's president, will go for it either. They won't drink political poison to please the woke left. And if they don't know it's political poison, why don't they drink it up now? Secondly....
I think court packing would be a disaster, and would endanger the position of the judiciary in our constitutional scheme. But it's not an existential threat to the republic. Civilized, democratic states have managed to exist with a judiciary less powerful than ours. But ...
can such a state survive a second term of four years with a leader as unfit as this one? I think so, but I don't know. As far as I know, it's never been tried.
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