#sussexSquad Why would a congressman from MISSOURI of all places be writing to the Queen Elizabeth II about Meghan and Harry? Look who broke got the ‘’Exclusive”, EMILY GOODIN, Daily Mail reporter, and guess where Emily is from and went to College. MISSOURI. 1/2 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Remember that that Daily Mail reporter Nikki Schwab used the White House press conference to ask Trump about Meghan and Harry, and lied about them asking people to vote for Joe Biden?Look who was promoting Nikki Schwab’s Daily Mail stunt, EMILY GOODIN.
So It seems that @Emilylgoodin and @NikkiSchwab used their positions as ‘Political Reporters’ for the Daily Mail, a foreign newspaper, to manipulate US Government Officials on American soil to continue to harass and intimidate Meghan Markle, an American citizen and her family.
Here is more, Emily Goodin and Congressman Jason Smth graduated from the same a University. U of Missouri.

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And there is more. The Daily Mail published their article at 11:52AM, Emily Goodin tweeted the article at 11:57AM. Jason Smith posted his letter at 12:02PM . How did Emily Goodin and the Daily Mail get this letter BEFORE the Congressman posted it?

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