tips on shifting (will be based around hogwarts because that is where i go but feel free to change) ; a thread
first, when scripting make sure to add how long you will be in there for. because i’ve shifted before i use 30 minutes in my cr is 6 months in my dr. however if your just getting started i recommend doing 30 minutes in cr is 1 day in dr, to get yourself used to it
i know lots of people say that you should script that you don’t feel any pain but it actually makes it feel really fake, so either script that you feel some pain or you have a high pain tolerance!
now you’ve probably seen all those tiktoks about showing characters songs, i script that i have a radio, which plays any song i want! it’s really helpful :)
scripting isn’t necessary however it can help if you find it hard to imagine things or focus on more than one thing at a time. i usually spend an hour or two scripting, just to perfect it.
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