Important reminder that just because conventions aren't a thing (and shouldn't be) this season, please get your flu shot. They are safe and effective in preventing certain flu strains that epidemiologists have predicted will be dominant this winter. Protect yourself & your family
There are many different options when it comes to the flu vaccine. Trivalent? Quadrivalent? High dose? Nasal Spray? What's right for you? Check out the CDC's website and speak with your physician to figure out what is best for you and your specific needs.
This year's Quadrivalent (containing protection against 4 strains) shot includes 2 B strains - the usual Yamagata strain, and an updated Victoria strain. It also contains protection against 2 A strains - H1N1 and H3N2.

For what it's worth, Flu A usually makes you sickest!
Now, more than ever, it's important that you protect yourself. Many people have run out of sick leave and can't afford to get the flu. Put COVID on top of that, and you're going to be in a world of hurt.
BuT vAcCiNeS cAuSe AuTiSm!!

No, they don't. You're an idiot if you still believe that, especially since it's been over a decade since that study was debunked, and the doctor who published it: 1) admitted he falsified it and 2) had his medical license revoked.
Also, for what it's worth, I'd much rather be autistic than dead. I'd also prefer autistic friends, family, and children over DEAD children. Get out of here with your false claim garbage.
"But vaccines contain mercury!!"

1) thiomersal is a mercury-containing compound that is SAFE in the amounts present. Did you know it prevents you from getting staph infections? Many vaccines don't even contain it.

2) you have more ACTUAL mercury in the salmon you ate last night
"but vaccines contain FORMADEHYDE"

1) WOW, it's almost like that's a GREAT preservative! The average vaccine contains 0.02mg formaldehyde. Did you know an INFANT has MORE FORMALDEHYDE circulating in their body (1mg) than a WHOLE BOX of vaccines?

2) you body naturally has it too
"but this low quality meme image shared on my facebook group said vaccines are BAD!!"

1) okay well first of all, I don't care what "Dr. Facebook" says
2) listen to people in research and healthcare who actually know what they're talking about
3) no
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