Nothing has ever radicalised against liberalism as much as the proposition that 'deaths of despair' come from 'loss of white privilege'- I genuinely can't imagine a more transparent, evil attempt to naturalise economic decline and all the suffering that comes with it
If you want a take that actually triggers me and gets me into dumb, pointless arguments in which I overinvest in bringing the other person around to some form of consciousness, its this (but I'm not going to do that again)
This is nothing but the morbid fantasy that those who suffer do so because they are deserve to. It is an essentially apolitical, misanthropic doctrine that views human suffering and loss of life as a necessary refinement of the body politic
The last 10 years of socially engineered culture war, the rise of social justice, all of it terminates here, where ppl on the 'left' are able to make arguments that locate them ideologically on the far right without any awareness of this being the case
Most of the ppl who make these arguments are illiterate politically- they are unable to conceptualise politics as anything other than a struggle between 'enlightened' Randian supermen and the 'masses'- the 'masses' are enemies, so anything that harms them is a Victory
If you point out that this is the sentimental basis for fascism, they won't undertand you because for them politics is not what you do, but who you do it to (MovieBob: 'there are no bad tactics, only bad targets)
They cannot conceive that someone would disagree with these views without in some way being 'allied' with their 'enemies' because for them, the value of human life is conditional on its 'cultural contributon' to their regime of sentiment
The rhetoric is now so explicit, naked and gratuitous in its sadism that there is no longer any reason to play along with its hostage-holding definitions or mythologies: it is totally mask-off, and as such, no one should feel ashamed openly calling for its total destruction
By this, I do not mean violence, but a simple willingness to confront this rhetoric with maximum hostility whenever it appears, based on its true character, which is not leftwing, is not humanist, is not antiracist. Call it by its true name: social darwinism
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