what we got in the live today
-liam talked lp3
-played adore you to hear how it’s supposed to be said
-louis joined/commented ‘watch your mouth’ as a joke to Liam after Liam said 1D were animals
a thread theres more..
-liam was going to put louis in the live but he couldn’t find him
#findlouis #louisislost
-liam talks abt after series and how he watched after we collided with maya
- found out Hardin was based on Harry and the series was based on 1D
still more..
-Liam said get #liamsafterwatchparty trending:,)
-liam said he could be a little bit hardin but knows he’s landon
-jokes abt seeing hero’s bottom on a big screen
-says he is going to watch the third one
still more..
-he said he’s going to call louis after he gets home
-he might dress as leeroy for halloween or on a show or live
-all the hashtags he said #louisisback #lilo #liloisback #findlouis #louisislost #liamsafterwatchparty #iwantaticket
end of thread:) that’s everything I believe:)
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