The woke are trying to take over every business.

Companies like Coinbase and Trader Joes that reject wokeness thrive; companies like Yelp and Spotify that don't face backlash and woke employee revolts.

So, resisting woke take over tactics in your organization,

A thread🧵
The first thing to realize is the woke want to take every institution we have, whether it is a school, church, business or non-profit organization, and turn them all into vehicles for spreading wokeness.

They want every institution in society to preach their ideology.
The woke want wokeness to be baked into every single bit of culture that gets produced. So every movie must have a woke message, every song a woke theme, every church a woke sermon, every school a woke curriculum, and every sports league must have woke messages in the arena.
This is where you begin to resist:
As soon as you realize a co-worker is woke, you must get ready for them to attempt to bring wokeness in to the company. They will try to make spreading wokeness one of the main goals, if not THE main goal of any company they are in.
Given their ideology and worldview, the woke aim for two things when they attempt a takeover:
1. Jobs that put them in charge of how and what an organization communicates. It's message
2. Influence over the policies, ethics, values, hiring, and mission statement of the company
Let's begin with point 1, Communications jobs:

The woke will try to get communications jobs: social media accounts, graphic design, advertising positions, copy writing positions; any position in charge of how the core message of the company gets communicated, the woke want.
Once in those jobs, they hijack the message of the company and use it to spread wokeness. A good example of this is the Gillete "toxic masculinity" ads.
Woke advertisers used an ad for Razors as an ad for wokeness, hijacking both the ad and Gillettes brand in the process.
This works because companies like Gillette depend on ad makers and advertisers to have expertise in knowing what will be popular. These woke admakers use their position as experts to assure companies that they NEED to use woke messaging to avoid a public relations disaster.
The result is that a Gillette ad that should be an ad for razors, ends up as an ad for wokeness dressed up as an ad for razors. Because ads function as public communication, a woke ad puts pressure on the company to adopt woke policy in order to avoid a charge of hypocrisy.
Now to the second point about influence over the policies, ethics, values, hiring, and mission statement of the company.

Let's look first at hiring and training.
The woke angle for positions where they can determine which people are hired and how employees are trained. if you want a company to be woke, you make the employees woke.
One obvious way they do this is to get a job in HR, and then they only hire woke people.
A less obvious way to make employees woke is to aim for the positions that allow you to either train new employees, or pick the training materials. That way you get to set the tone for all new employees coming in that wokeness is mandatory. Here is an example:
Jane is woke, and gets hired by the local school board to be a teacher. Jane sees that not all teachers in her school are woke and wants to change that. She begins angling for a job that puts her in charge of managing internships and training of incoming teachers.
Jane gets that job, and immediately swaps out the old training materials in exchange for woke training materials. She then finds out who the woke teachers in the school division are, and she gets them to do all the internship training. This all takes a few months to change.
Just like that, no one was hired, no one was fired, but all the new teachers will be trained using woke materials and under the supervision of woke teachers, and will thus be evaluated using a woke standard. From the outside nothing looks like it has changed...
Until kids come home from school saying that everything is about race and parents find out Critical Race Theory is being taught in every class by the newly trained teachers. But by the time that happens it's too late, the woke have taken over and are entrenched in their jobs.
The woke ALWAYS aim for training positions. It's a less obvious way of taking over an organization that is very effective and has the added effect of occurring slowly so people don't realize what's happened until it is too late.

Let's move on...
The next thing the woke do is to ALWAYS attend the board and policy meetings of publicly traded corporations, government organizations, school boards, and non-profits,

Those meetings are where the rules, guidelines, and direction of an organization are decided.
Those meetings are where such things as:

mission statements
company values
10 year plans
statement of ethics
business policy
hiring policy
training policy

and a whole host of other important things are created. If you make those woke, the whole organization goes woke.
All of those policies are made at boring, tedious policy meetings that no person enjoys showing up to. It is the bureaucratic meeting where important organizations decisions are made. The boring school broad meeting is where the decision to adopt a woke curriculum is made.
If the woke people all show up to the meeting where a policy is created and non-woke people don't show up, then even when the woke are a small minority they can control the organization by being the only ones at the meeting and voting in their woke policies as they see fit.
Again, these policies take time to take effect, and it can be months before anyone notices what is going on.

This takes time, and pushing back requires and understanding of how the takeover happened, and what can be done.

Let's look at Coinbase as an example.
Coinbase has planned go non-political for six months. That they had severance packages ready for woke employees who quit shows how carefully planned this move was.

This was followed up by CEO Brian Armstrong doubling down on keeping Coinbase out of woke activism on his blog:
There was a company walkout that occurred over the summer with respect to the BLM movement. Details are sketchy, but that walkout and the internal turmoil that followed appears to be informing Mr. Armstrong's' move here. And the move was done CAREFULLY
Mr. Armstrong has kept details in house, has moved the company in a non-political direction, and has made sure that any woke people who want to leave get a good compensation package. no one can accuse him of "cancelling" the employees.
This is an excellent example of how to fight wokeness in our institutions. We need to see what it does, figure out the appropriate solution for a given organization, and then carefully plan to follow through. And we can't cave to woke pressure, we must double down.
Fighting wokeness takes dedication, but once we see how it operates, we can begin building solutions to remove it from our organizations.

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