This is a thread about how the media in West Michigan has thrown fuel on the terrorism flames & an introduction to a lawyer named Katherine Henry. She'll probably sue me if this is retweeted too much. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Here is her telling probably every militia in MI her political hit list:
Catch up on my thread yesterday to see how @LeeChatfield & @SenMikeShirkey
were necessary contributors to the environment that cultivated Michigan's homegrown terrorists. They both know Katherine Henry well. Lee's dad Rusty organizes with her directly.
I'll get back to where & when the above video was posted in a moment. First, let's learn a bit about Katherine. She is a West Michigan attorney who views herself as a constitutionalist. This is the brand of conservatism most adjacent to the militia. You know the caricature:
Henry leveraged the organizing done by the proto militia that stormed the state capital, and came back with the haircut brigade later on, into a Facebook group with tens of thousands of members called "The Movement." Her goal was a massive amendment to the state constitution.
Immediately after the launch of her petition, George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis police. After some nearby protests, a sheriff in a small town chose to share this picture on Facebook, which should terrify anybody after the Kenosha massacre. Henry signed up to be his lawyer.
After that failure, Henry continued to try to con her volunteers into getting more ink on paper for her failing petition. I watched quietly in that Facebook group, intermittently reporting it to @fbsecurity to no effect. When the petition failed she removed herself as admin.
She didn't give up on her attacks on #BigGretch. She parlayed an amicus brief into convincing local media she was an important attorney on the recent Supreme Court case that overturned @GovWhitmer's coronavirus protections. Now, they keep platforming her.
To bring it full circle, let's look at the comments that are currently up on 'The Movement' Facebook group in response to the MI #Terrorsm plot. This is the discursive environment Henry, Shirkey, @billhuizenga, Trump and the Chatfields have cultivated on purpose.
You can find magazine cover of the week proto-terrorist, Phil Robinson sharing content into and out of Henry's group. And a lot of his images are at her rallies.

One of the guys that got arrested is with him in the photo with the circle.
When I said yesterday that the Michigan Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House, both Republicans, knew about this, and could have stopped it, Katherine Henry was the person they could have talked to to do that.

Instead they used her as a volunteer recruitment pipeline.
Henry's amendment would have impacted all three branches of government in massive ways, including eliminating the emergency powers of the governor. She tried to imitate the @NotPoliticians volunteer petition model, but she didn't have my spreadsheets and she failed.
If you want to be inspired by the most successful all volunteer petition program in Michigan's history, the only campaign that got bigger than Governor Whitmer's in 2018, check out @SlaytheDragon, on @Hulu. It's about #gerrymandering, sorry for the spoilers.
You can follow @beyond_process.
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