no one at twitter knows how anyone uses their platform, nor do they care what anyone using it actually wants, and this dynamic only grows more absurd the longer this awful place exists and grows more awful.
twitter is somehow CONVINCED that they are primarily a platform for engaged dialogues on important issues and topics. a place that can, nay MUST, change the very way we communicate and raise the masses up to their intellectual betters so that "REAL conversations" take place
really its where brands test new material, artists and sex workers struggle to make a percentage of a living, the best/worst jokes are shared, the "cultural elite" are forced to hear criticism and mockery for the first time, and people dissociate by inflicting pain on each other
the only reason ANY interesting or educational conversations or information exists here along side the jokes and the horror is because vulture capitalism and corporate internet killed blogging and because this platform ACCIDENTALLY gives everyone a voice.
but twitter cannot make this platform better for that for the same reason it can't give us any of the improvements or security we ACTUALLY want: because doing either would require admitting their platform is not their techdipshit utopian ideal and that they failed their goal
they could ban the nazis overnight, they could make our feeds feature the people we actually followed and WANT to see with ease, they could add any number of actually functional, basic-ass features people have asked for YEARS... but that doesn't make the "conversations" they want
so instead they will relentlessly shuffle the stupidest, most pointless ideas around this platform in desperate hope that they can somehow brute force their into being a respectable utopian platform where everyone converses nicely and CORRECTLY while they politely watch ads.
allowing artists to rt their own work without arbitrary and irregular punishment that they never explain the triggers of and deny exists? that wouldn't help CONVERSATIONS! letting white supremacy run rampant? one day they and the people they want dead might COME TOGETHER TO TALK!
Twitter's ideal vision of their future is to solve "extremism" by being an Algonquin Round Table without jokes and with more targeted ads. Letting anyone speak at said table is a bug, not a feature.
They do not see their means of cynically exploiting fear and anger to drive engagement as incompatible with that end. This is because they are sheltered silicon valley dipshits.
You can follow @joffeorama.
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