I’ve seen a lot of chatter recently about how people expect the GOP to get blown out in the selection and it makes me very nervous. Everyone needs to assume they will win and vote like it. Here is an anecdote for you:
Out of curiosity I rode my bike around my neighborhood to count all the Biden and Trump yard signs.

my neighborhood is cut into two parts one a little wealthier than the other. Both mostly middle class white people. The district went ~60% Trump in 2016.
In the wealthier section the Trump signs outnumbered the Biden signs by about 25%.

And in the more modest section the Biden signs outnumbered the Trump signs by about 50%

Overall in the entirety of the neighborhood there were slightly more Biden signs.
Not to be clear this entire neighborhood has about 800 houses and I only counted about 50 signs total. This is obviously not scientific.

but still this is the first time that I remember seeing more democratic than Republican signs in any election.

However...Trump is gonna win
After the whole summer of protests over racial justice and talks of reforming police departments a lot of people in my area lost their minds.

This is a comfortably middle-class neighborhood near NASA. Most white people here don’t feel afraid of cops. They call them all the time
Some lady in response to the summers protest created yard signs that say “we support our police”

It’s not as aggressive as the thin blue line or punisher stuff. But in my mind only people with authoritarian sympathies would ever put up these signs. Or people completely sheltered
These people who have lived so comfortably that they would go out of their way to express sympathy with police rather than even let’s say equal time with the Black Lives Matter movement I can only imagine or probably voting for Trump.

(There was one BLM sign among 800 homes)
And I tend to think that a lot of these people who might be a little bit ashamed to put up a trump sign are probably using these police signs as a proxy for their political affiliation.

And there were more of these police signs than all the Biden and Trump signs put together
I think the same shits going to happen in 2020 as in 2016.

People aren’t being honest with pollsters. I think for a lot of very sheltered white people this feels like the last gasp of a world that they dominate. They won’t tell you to your face. But they’re going to vote Trump
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