THREAD: My son Lee was part of a class action lawsuit against the government of Manitoba but the government, rather than face the lawsuit, are pushing a bill through to legalize the theft from children in care.(photo by @IsaacMurdoch1 )
According to Cora Morgan, First Nations Child and Family Advocate: "The current Conservative government is working to legalize the theft of $338 million dollars from First Nations children-in-care. " con't...
"Since 2005, the Manitoba government has been taking First Nations children-in-care’s Children’s Special Allowance (Child Tax Credits) and putting it in the Province’ general revenue. Bill 34, Section 84 enables them to legalize the practice. " con't
Why my son was part of this lawsuit was because when he was 15 he ran away and came to my home in Ontario, where he lived from then on following an agreement with Manitoba CFS. They said they would change his status of being a "crown ward" and close his file. They didn't.
While he was living with me, and while we were under the impression that his file would be closed with Manitoba CFS, instead the government of Manitoba kept his file open and on paper he remained a ward of the crown.
During that time, the Government of Manitoba continued to issue his child tax credit and without our knowledge, feed it into their own accounts. I never received any child tax benefit while he lived with me from the time he was 15 to 18 when apparently he "aged out" of the system
Normally child tax benefits are provided to every family in Canada by the government to help families. When children are in care, that benefit is still issued, but rather than go to directly support the child, its being fed back into government revenue. Its theft & dishonest.
When this was discovered a class action lawsuit was started. My son Lee was part of it. Now the Gov of MB is pushing through a bill to legalize the theft of children's benefits. Please support the cause to stop this. Money issued in children's names should go to benefit the child
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