I do not believe that I am the only person at the Bar who feels overwhelmed. We need to talk about this. On a daily basis, without hesitation we deal with people going through the worst moments of their lives. To swoop in like emotionless superheroes and fix it.
This week took a toll. Today's first client has severe mental health issues, depression, anxiety, she self harms. She was being prosecuted for an incident sparked by her mental ill health. I was able to persuade the prosecutor that it was not in the public interest to prosecute.
Having dealt with that had no break. I ran to my next hearing. I met my second client. And his parents. All three spoke with me, trying to be brave, through tears. They are dealing with the death of their daughter while their son faces prosecution.
We are not offered psychological support as part of the job. We are expected to soldier on. We stay up at night sick with worry, we put our clients first. We go over every word we will say and have said because every single word matters.
And sometimes we sit sobbing in an advocates room, a toilet, a cupboard. We sub because it is an impossible job to do. We sob because we worry we sob and we keep going. If you see a loud mouthed activist lawyer, give them a hug. We need it.
You can follow @SpiweWasz.
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