Let me make a short thread describing a weird situation I'm finding myself in. Imagine you really love the soda Sprite, it's your favorite soda. You enjoy other Sodas but you always go back to Sprite for that perfect mix of fizzy, lemon, and lime. You buy a can and inside is cola
It tastes like Coca-Cola, but the amount of sugar is jacked up really high. There's no sprite at all, no fizzy lemon lime. You try to enjoy the cola at least, but there's so much sugar it's frankly disgusting. You're confused because the can still says lemon-lime and same logo.
As part of your confusion, you find bottles of Sprite, and to your surprise, they all contain that dark, sugar filled Cola. The Coca-Cola Company changed Sprite. The label still SAYS Lemon-Lime on it, but when you check the ingredients there's no trace, not even artificially.
So you start complaining about it. This new sprite tastes, frankly, disgusting. While some people listen a large number of people respond to you saying "So what? I LIKE the large amount of sugar." Some of them even say "The fizzy lemon-lime taste is outdated. Sprite is advancing"
Of course, there's no objective good or bad. If someone likes cola with extreme amounts of sugar? That's on them. You can't get the bad taste out of your mouth, but ultimately what really matters to you is that they completely got rid of the Lemon-Lime to make another Cola.
You bring this up and a large amount of people tell you you're wrong. It still has Lemon-Lime, after all, it says so on the label! That can't be wrong, and there's no way the company'd lie. The company IS lying, but apparently people don't think too hard about what Lemon-Lime is.
But the most constant response you get to your complaints is "You just hate it because they don't have Lemon Lime anymore". As if that's somehow shallow or invalid. Like, yeah, that's exactly the point? Sprite was the go to for fizzy Lemon Lime, and now it's just another Cola.
But then you take a step back and look at Coca-Cola's larger selection and you notice something *absolutely weird* happening. It's not just Sprite: Fanta, Mello Yello, Powerade and even Dasani are all, for some reason, Colas. They're Coca-Cola with differing amounts of sugar.
At this point you're not mad or disappointed. You're absolutely *baffled*. Does no one else notice this? The Coca-Cola company used to have such a diverse lineup of drinks. Now they're slightly different versions of Coca-Cola itself.
You're not saying they're all BAD. You like Coca-Cola too. Some of these can taste quite good because they don't go crazy on sugar! But that's not the point. They're all the same now, and for some reason no one's noticing. So you decide to bring this up, and say "This is weird."
On top of that, The Coca-Cola company announced a new flavor of Sprite, and it's yet another Cola. There's nothing indicating that it'd either return to what you expect from Sprite drinks, nor that it'd be significantly different from any other cola drink the company already has.
But for SOME REASON people are ok with the market saturation of Colas and tell you "So what? Coca Cola tastes good", "You're just mad sprite isn't Lemon Lime anymore" or "Lemon Lime is outdated, I'm glad the company is advancing and getting with the times."
This situation is PURELY HYPOTHETICAL. But it'd be weird right? Surely you'd feel like you're in a bizarro world? Where some reason no one notices this big company decided, for some reason, to sell one drink with a different label many times over?
I didn't make all this up though. That's exactly what @BandaiNamcoUS is doing with their Action Games. Every single one of them must be some form of God Eater or Dark Souls. The God Eater Producer is even put in charge of some of these other games. And people are eating it up.
Ok since people that DON'T know me are reading this, let me clarify:

By Sprite I mean the Tales Of series and by Lemon Lime I mean the Linear Motion Battle System
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