This is a super great question actually. So I organize in a heavily trump district and literally since I’m not a democrat they don’t care. They see me trying to help by feeding people, clothing people and just caring. Most just feel left behind.
Also, everyone knows each other in a small town. My moms family has lived there for like literally over 100 years. They know I’m a socialist. They don’t care. They care more than I am a veteran so I use that card to my advantage.
I never bring up theory or scary buzz words Americans have been taught to hate. I use their own lingo. I talk about the democrats and their corruption and tie it in with the washington establishment like the republicans.
I talk about how no one is politics gives a damn about us. I talk about guns. I talk about the military but I’ll talk about it in the anti war way of the most patriotic thing we could do is bringing our troops home safely.
It’s literally just wording, phrasing and then getting out there and doing nice things for the community to gain trust. At the end of the day it’s all about helping each other and loving one another. @CornelWest taught me that.
The way we win is picking up and helping where the government refuses to. We have to show people that the community cares about each other.
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