The Spanish communist Government has decided to isolate Madrid.

Let's take a look at the facts behind this "reasonable" decision

According to the Government's data, this is the number of people that went to the emergencies services in the last seven days, at every region:

Castilla León = 33
Andalucía = 22
Cataluña = 17
Pais Vasco = 15
Castilla la Mancha = 12
>>>>Madrid = 12<<<<
Navarra = 10
In Madrid, the highest date of new patients, on the 14th of September, was 17 patients. If the trend then was 17 new admissions per day, today that indicator has fallen to just 5, which implies a 71% drop.
The 5th of October, the peak was reached: 505 patients. Since then, this has been gradually reduced and the 8th of October, it already reached 487, which represents a drop of 4%.
If we compare the positives with the deceased, the fatality rate is 22% lower than the national average.
Leaving the data at one side of this, today's press conference was pretty "significant" as the Government has decided to go against what the spanish Justice clearly said, and impose a mandatory Isolation period for the Madrid region.
This are some measures the Government has announced:
The Interior ministry, Fernando Marlaska will deploy 7,000 police officers to cage Madrid's people.
These measures were active even before the press conference started.
And as you can see, it was "crucial" to make sure that no citizen got away from Madrid, and police officers have been checking every vehicle to make sure of it:
But in the meanwhile, as every citizen is caged in the capital, the Minister of Education, Isabel Celaá, has another thing coming, as she leaves Madrid by plane.
The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa (graduated in Philosophy) today said that the isolation of Totana has been a huge success… Clearly, numbers are not his thing:
The Health Ministry sent a circular of disqualification from work for any worker who would share images with sensitive content.
And the few people who have managed to enter hospitals, actually have found stuff like this:
Back to the press conference, the Ministry of Health –Salvador Illa– has stated that the Madrid regional governor, Isabel Ayuso, has "done absolutely nothing" to contain and reverse the second wave. "Patience has a limit" he added:
Following this, it's kind of ironic to remind the below tweet. The Transportation Ministry, Jose Luis Ábalos, refused to shut down Barajas (Madrid's main airport) as that was "going against the economy" and "being to alarmist", denying Ayuso's request.
As an important reminder, today the Spanish VP has had time to express his passion and admiral for Ernesto "Che" Guevara, a murderer and homophobic tyrant. The VP has openly declared himself a republican and communist supporter.
Including those who shed Spanish blood. Including children's.
"ETA murders at Erandio a two year old children, son of a Guardia Civil"
This thread could probably keep going over and over, but I believe we all already know what Spain has and how democracy is being brutally murdered by these animals. Or at least, the tiny bit of democracy we ever got.
Let's RT this and make sure everybody learns about it, Spain, as any other country also matters!!
Only together we can stop this nightmare!!

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