If you log your meetings in @RoamResearch, you'll always have the right info at your fingertips. You'll bring greater value to clients and colleagues—and to yourself! It's like the "interactions" section in your CRM, only WAY better. Here's how I log interactions in Roam. 1/
First, the fundamentals involved. This method relies on Daily Notes, [[pages]] as tags, smart indenting, Linked References, and filters. I mention this because it's critical to recognize how Roam's features interact to facilitate your workflow. 2/
In my work, I wear many hats. I coach entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals. I teach actors to sing. I write music. I conduct a church choir. So I have a variety of meeting types that I track in Roam. 3/
Every meeting gets a top-level block on my Daily Notes page. I include the time, name(s) of participant(s), the type of meeting (coaching, singing lesson, conversation, etc.). It would look something like this: "10:00 [[Jane Doe]] [[coaching]]" 4/
If the whole session is about a particular topic, include its [[topic tag]] in this top-level block. If there are multiple topics, save them for indented sub-blocks. This is where the smart indenting comes in. Indent as you move from a broader topic to a more specific one. 5/
So, if your meeting includes discussion of your [[sales pipeline]] and [[client retention]], those tags should be indented one-level from the meeting block. Then, notes about each topic should be further indented under each tag. This guarantees filters will work later on. 6/
You could also, optionally, add a [[log]] tag to all top-level logging blocks. It would allow you to filter out (or filter to) all logged meetings while on the Daily Notes page, or to access them all via query or mention. With rare exceptions, the more tags the better. 7/
Now, this is where the Linked References shine. No matter what day you log your meeting notes, you can get at the information when you need it. Here are two examples: 8/
If you need info about a specific topic, go to its [[topic page]]. Every note from every meeting is there in the Linked References. You can filter to (click) or filter out (shift-click) related tags to dig down to EXACTLY the information you need. 9/
My favorite use case is client relationships. On their [[client page]], every note from every coaching, lesson, conversation, etc., is immediately available. I keep their contact and personal info on their page, but the rest is just linked references, filtered as needed. 10/
What's so amazing about using this method in @RoamResearch is that nothing ever needs to "live" on a specific page. It is simply there where you need it to be. Low friction on the way in, low friction on the way out. 11/
And, you'll seem smarter in future interactions, because you can access the right information quickly. (Note that this quoted tweet from @vgr wasn't talking about Roam specifically, but Roam accomplishes this effect remarkably well) https://twitter.com/vgr/status/1303392917390729216?s=20 12/
Many Roam use cases rely on this "tag and indent" functionality. But often, until you see it in action, you don't recognize how a feature can be valuable to YOUR specific needs. I hope this logging method illuminates a "corner of Roam" for you. https://twitter.com/rjnestor/status/1313301479319576577?s=20 13/
You can follow @rjnestor.
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